Registration & Abstracts

KAS / KJAS Annual Meeting - Registration & Abstracts

Abstracts & Presentations
Session Topics
Student Scoring Rubric


Register Now

Before Oct 1: Students $50, Professional members $90, Professional non-members $105
K12 Teachers $0, K12 Junior Academy Participants $0

Oct 1 - Oct 18: Students $55, Professional Members $100, Professional non-members $110
K12 Teachers $0, K12 Junior Academy Participants $0

All registration payments are due by October 18. A late fee of $25 will be assessed after October 18.

October 18 is also the deadline for canceling your registration and requesting a refund.

If someone else is paying for your registration
Please register yourself, and choose " Bill Me" for your payment option. Then forward the email with your invoice to the person who is paying for your registration. They may pay by check or credit card.
Deferred Registration payments are due by October 18.

Abstracts and Presentations

Abstract submission deadline is October 1.
Please register for the meeting before submitting your abstract. Abstracts received with a first author who is not registered for the Annual Meeting will be rejected.

We are piloting a new model in 2024 for Student Evaluations. 

Please review the  Abstract and Presentation Guidelines for the required format for the KAS / KJAS Annual Meeting.
Oral presentations are 15 minutes.
Posters are 36" high x 48" wide
Abstracts must be uploaded following the KAS format. KAS publishes abstracts in our Journal following the Annual meeting and if your abstract does not meet our formatting requirements we may not publish it.
Please review the KAS Plagiarism Policy  in the Guidelines to avoid inadvertent errors. 

Junior Academy presenters: If you are a HS student presenting an oral presentation, you will need to upload an acknowledgment signed by your High School when submitting your abstract.

Session Topics
This year we've added two special interdisciplinary themed session (in bold, below). If your presentation fits, we welcome you to submit into that session. Sometimes we need to move talks into other sessions, so we ask for your first choice and second choice sessions when you submit an abstract.

Aerospace Research in Kentucky
Agricultural Sciences
Anthropology and Sociology
Applied Bioinformatics
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Chemistry: Analytical & Physical
Chemistry: Organic / Inorganic
Computer & Informational Sciences
Environmental Science
Health Sciences
Physics & Astronomy
Physiology and Biochemistry
Science Education
Zoology / Botany

In 2024, all of our undergraduate student presenters can expect to get meaningful feedback from their colleagues and fellow participants about their research.  We will not be conducting competitions for undergraduates or graduate students.
We encourage students to refer to the  KAS/KJAS Student evaluation rubric for guidance in developing your presentation.

Why are we experimenting with a new system in 2024?

Questions about abstracts and presentations should be directed to KAS Program Coordinator Melony Stambaugh.

Annual Meeting Links 2024

Photo Gallery

Publish Your Research

KAS / KJAS Under 18 Waiver

The Kentucky Academy of Science Annual Meeting is an interdisciplinary professional environment that cultivates scientific discovery and understanding.

Thank you for contributing to our advancement of science by behaving professionally, respectfully and collegially at all times.