

On-call Scientists Hotline
AAAS Offers Real-Time Science and Technical Support for Human Rights. Are you a human rights professional whose work could benefit from scientific or technical support? Are you a scientist, engineer, or health professional interested in learning more about how you can volunteer your time and expertise to support human rights projects?

Fab Fems, matching Women mentors with girls interested in STEM

Million Women Mentors , advancing women and girls in STEM Careers through mentoring

National Research Mentoring Network offers resources for under-represented minorities in the biomedical sciences

Science Cafes Take on a variety of forms and topics- trivia, panel discussions, lectures, or hands-on demonstrations.


Kentucky Science Center

Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation

KY EpSCOR, building research competitiveness in Kentucky

Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund
KAS has 1 representative on this board. The Fund preserves and conserves natural areas of biological importance, for education, recreation, and research.

Murray State University’s Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity (URSA)

Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education (ORBCRE)

The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO)

Kentucky Science Teachers Association

Kentucky Natural History Museum Project

Newport Aquarium


American Academy of Arts and Sciences

American Association for the Advancement of Science

National Academy of Engineering

National Academy of Sciences

National Center for Science Education

Find a directory and contact information for other state Academies of Science at:
National Association of Academies of Science