August 2023

Donate to KAS

KAS has been standing up for Science in Kentucky since 1914! We encourage aspiring scientists, promote science literacy, give science a voice in policymaking, and recognize those who make the future brighter through scientific discovery.


Science Job Postings around KY

We have some terrific opportunities this month that you can view at our jobs page. Please send any job announcements to and include contact information and closing date. 

Share your news with KAS members

If you have something to share in the monthly KAS newsletter, get in touch with our Newsletter editor, Mark dela Cerna.

Follow us on social media!

Stay updated on all things KAS! Like and follow the Kentucky Academy of Science


 KAS Channel

Publish in the KAS Journal

The Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science publishes work in the Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Life Sciences.
Digital issues are published as Issues-in-Progress which expedites publication for authors.


News from Partners

EPSCoR & IDeA News Established Program for Stimulating Competitive Research (EPSCoR) and Institutional Development Award (IDeA), including federal funding opportunities and more! EPSCoR is a program serving states such as Kentucky, to build capacity for federally funded scientific research.

Ky- INBRE Recent News  KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence supports biomedical researchers and educators within the Commonwealth. The purpose of the network is to develop infrastructure and capacity for biomedical research and training in the state. Their newsletter  has training events, funding leads, and job opportunities.  You can also subscribe at the above link.

How to Join the KAS Listserv

KAS has set up a listserv so our members can talk to each other, to share science-related news & announcements, offers, requests, questions and answers.

 Opt In to the listserv:
Log In at the KAS website (
In the Member Menu, go to Communication / Message Boards
Click to Opt In to the KAS Member Listserv (and choose the Daily Digest option if  you prefer)
To post to the listserv, send a message to

KAS Annual Meeting - upcoming deadlines

KAS Annual Meeting
Nov 2-4, 2023, Northern Kentucky University
Meeting is set, so put it on your calendars today! Visit the Meeting page at the KAS website for more details. 

Proposals for Interdisciplinary Oral Presentation Sessions were due August 1st. The call for Workshop Proposals remain open until August 24thBelow are some details about potential workshops. Click here to submit a workshop proposal
  • Workshops can be 1-3 hours
  • The audience may be students, professionals, and / or K12 Teachers.
  • Please submit a 250-word description + list of presenter(s)
  • Workshops are  offered at no cost or at a minimal fee for materials, if applicable

Meeting Registration and Abstract Submission will open on September 1st and deadline for abstract submission and early registration will be October 1st. Rates will go up after the early registration deadline.

KAS is launching a Mentor Match pilot

The Kentucky Academy of Science is piloting a Mentor Match Program starting September 2023! If you area STEM professional, a student, or a teacher, you can participate. We are making 30 matches this year and seeking funding to build the program. If you fill out the Application below, we cannot guarantee you will get into the pilot this year, but if not, we will save your contact info for the next round.

Find out more about the KAS Mentor Match Application and fill it out by following this link. 

Possible matches for the program are the following:
  • Teacher <--> Scientist (Graduate/Professional)
  • Middle/High School Student <--> Scientist
  • Middle/High School Student <--> STEM UG Student
  • K-12 Science Club <--> KAS Scientist

Science Education & Outreach Award Nominations due Sept 30

Do you know someone, or a group of people, who are doing terrific science education and outreach work?  Each year KAS recognizes a member with our Science Education and Outreach Award.  We're seeking nominations by September 30th.2022 KAS Outreach Award winners, Taking Flight- Next Level
Nominate someone by clicking on this link. Additional details about the KAS Science Education and Outreach Award including instructions for nominating a colleague can be found on this page.

KAS Member Spotlight: Dr. Monreal, UofL

Ky. Center for Mathematics highlights efforts to engage students in math

Rob Weber

When an elementary school in Letcher County was devastated by historic floodwaters last summer, the Kentucky Center for Mathematics (KCM) sprang into action. The response of the center and Executive Director Kelly Stone DeLong helped ensure that students would receive high quality math instruction when they returned to Martha Jane Potter Elementary School, said Amanda Holbrook, a second-grade teacher.

Representatives of the Kentucky Center for Mathematics testified to the General Assembly’s Education Committee on August 1.

The assistance to Martha Jane Potter Elementary is just one of the ways the center’s work was highlighted during the August 1 meeting of the General Assembly’s Education Committee. The complete PowerPoint presentation given by KCM to lawmakers is available online at

Click here to read full story.

Science educator to address light pollution at “Dark Sky” talk

Rob Weber

The talk is presented by the Kentucky Academy of Science in collaboration with Louisville Underground Science. The event is open to the public, free of charge.

Click here for more details.

Speaker to discuss how ancient geology shapes modern life

Rob Weber

This talk, presented by the Kentucky Academy of Science, is open to the public, free of charge!

Click here for more details.

Happy Hour Sept 13 with Union of Concerned Scientists

Union of Concerned Scientists
Happy Hour: You're Invited!

Meet members and staff from the Union of Concerned Scientists and find out more about their Climate and Energy work. Drinks and snacks provided!
Meet members & staff from the Union of Concerned Scientists and find out more about their Climate and Energy work. Drinks & Snacks provided!

Wednesday, September 13
6-8pm ET
West 6th NuLu
817 E Market St.
Louisville, KY 40206

Details about speakers and RSVP here


SciLine for scientists and journalists

SciLine is an editorially independent, non-partisan, non-profit service for journalists and scientists. The goal is to help get more science into news stories. SciLine aims to connect reporters quickly to scientifiy experts and validated evidence. Join SciLine (click here), a program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

At the same time, consider joining our own Kentucky Science Speakers Bureau! We connect graduate and professional members to the media and to other community audiences. Click here to join and find out more


Tech Congress fellows applications now open

TechCongress places computer scientists, engineers, and other technologists to serve as technology policy advisors to members of the US congress.

The application for the 2024 class of Congressional Innovation Fellows is now open, and will remain open until August 22nd. Click here to learn more and to download the application.

Nominate an inspiring Math of Science Teacher

A study on impact of funding to EPSCoR states

In this paper, the authors "compared the combined research productivity of Ph.D. granting institutions in EPSCoR versus the non-EPSCoR states to better understand the scientific impact of federal investments in sponsored research across all states". Read the full study by clicking here.

EPSCoR stands for Estab­lished Program to Stim­u­late Com­pet­i­tive Research. It is a federal-state partnership program designed to enhance the capabilities of designated states and territories to conduct sustainable and nationally competitive energy-related research. Kentucky, along with 27 other jurisdications are currently classified as EPSCoR states. 

Revised academic standards for science approved

After undergoing a rigorous revision process that began in January 2021, the revised Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Science have been adopted into law. The process included revisions by Kentucky educators and community members, public input and review by the Kentucky Board of Education before undergoing final legislative review and adoption.

Click here to access the new standards which will be adopted in A.Y. 2023-2024.

New Voices deadline extended

The application for our next cohort of New Voices members is now open! We are seeking U.S.-based emerging leaders in all disciplines of the sciences, engineering, and medicine with an established track record of professional excellence and demonstrated commitment to service beyond their immediate discipline and institution.

Click here to learn more about the program and to access the application form. Deadline for this cohort has been extended to August 24th.
KAS Newsletter - August 2023