Demystifying the Journal of the KAS

  • JKAS provides rigorous peer review of manuscripts in physical/natural sciences, social sciences and STEM education.  These manuscripts are indexed in BioOne and are cited regularly; this sets us apart from other journals our size as many of them do not have the rich record of articles that JKAS does to merit indexing.
  • We accept journal length research articles, book reviews, review articles, opinions, and notes (details of each type of submission is available on our website along with formatting requirements).
  • The Editors are committed to helping authors in the publishing, rather than simply rejecting or accepting submissions.
  • The JKAS submission/acceptance process is much like that of other journals: authors submit papers and after desk review by the associate editors, these articles are sent out for a minimum of two peer reviews.  Authors can provide suggestions on appropriate reviewers (typically these should be reviewers with no personal or professional relationship with the author and are experts in the field of the manuscript).
  • First, all submissions must follow the guidelines of the journal as detailed on the journal website.
  • All papers are reviewed in a double-blind process.
  • Student contributors, both undergraduate and graduate, are strongly advised to include their advisors as authors on manuscripts. Advisors can determine if student research is suitable for publication, and can shepherd students through the publishing process to greatly improve the quality of submissions. Student submissions must meet the standards of our editors/peer reviewers.
  • Our new system enables us to contact reviewers and track papers throughout the review/revision process to ensure a smooth process from submission to publication.
  • Typically our time from submission to receipt of reviews is two months during the traditional academic calendar. Publishing on-line can occur in as little as three to four months.
  • Once reviews are received, the handling associate editor makes decisions about revisions and acceptances/rejections and shares the review information with the authors, guiding authors in improving their submissions.
  • We publish articles online as they are accepted. This means the time from submission to publication is much faster than other journals.
  • Each December the associate editors prepare the front matter, collect and format the abstracts from the annual KAS meeting, and work with Allen Press to create a full volume for publication.
  • Submit your manuscript today!
KAS Newsletter - January 2023

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